ALERT: Australia: Incident Forces Malaysia Airlines Flight MH128 to Return to Melbourne Airport (May 31, 2017)

May 31, 2017

There are news reports stating that a Malaysia Airlines flight returned to Melbourne Airport after a passenger tried to enter the cockpit.

The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting:

A Malaysia Airlines flight departing Melbourne turned back and landed safely after just 20 minutes after a ‘disruptive’ passenger tried to enter the cockpit, according to the airline.

A statement from Malaysia Airlines said Flight MH128, which left Melbourne for Kuala Lumpur at 11.11 pm, was turned back “after the operating captain was alerted by a cabin crew of a passenger attempting to enter the cockpit.”

MH128 landed safely at Melbourne Airport at 11.41pm, the company said.

“The aircraft is currently on the remote bay and waiting for security assistance to arrive at the aircraft.”

Flights to Melbourne airport were being diverted, according to the 24-hour aviation monitoring website Flight Radar.

According to

A Malaysia Airlines plane has returned to Melbourne after a passenger reportedly tried to enter the cockpit, claiming to have explosives.

Aviation reporter Brendan Grainger tweeted that other passengers subdued the attacker and the Airbus A330 landed at Tullamarine Airport without anyone being hurt.

Melbourne Airport is now reportedly on lockdown with all flights being suspended.

MH128 left Melbourne at 11:27pm and reached 6400 feet before turning around and landing at 11:46p.

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