ALERT: Israel- U.S. Consulate restricts use of Jerusalem checkpoint (April 28, 2017)
Friday, April 28, 2017
Alert – Israel: U.S. Consulate restricts use of Jerusalem checkpoint
The U.S. Consulate General is restricting the use of the Rachel’s Tomb/300 checkpoint for personal travel between Jerusalem to Bethlehem for all U.S. citizen employees and their family members until Monday, May 1, 2017. This restriction is due to the current wave of Arab violence during their “Day(s) of Rage”.
According to the U.S. Consulate:
This travel restriction also includes the areas surrounding the Jacir Palace and Paradise hotels.
We encourage private U.S. citizens to take this information into consideration when making decisions regarding their travel.
According to the Jewish Press:
Palestinian Authority Arabs have called for yet another “Day of Rage” against the Jewish state in support of the their Islamic terrorists sitting in Israeli jails.
According to police, violence has also broken out in the Old City of Jerusalem. This is actually Day 2 of their Day of Rage, as PA Arabs began rioting, burning and throwing lots of things yesterday. Arab shopkeepers in the Old City also shuttered their gates on Thursday.
Please contact the PR Team if you have any concerns: