Condor Airlines

Condor – Upfront Time of Ticketing Commission Agreement (Confidential)

Ticketing Period: January 3, 2018 – October 31, 2018

Tour Code: None needed

Ticket Designator: Ticket Designator = “DE” or “MT” flight numbers

Commission = see tables below

Inter-Continental / Longhaul routes: Carrier Compartment RBD / Class of Service Commission
DE Business Class C, D, I 10%
DE + MT Premium Class Y, O, A 6%
DE + MT Economy Class B, M, H, V, K, E, T, U, G, Q 5%

Eligibility: New locations joining will be eligible for this commission offer the month after they join.

Terms and Conditions:

All tickets must be issued on either the plate or stock of Condor (DE/881).

 Commission applicable to ADT/CHD fares

 Interline permitted provided Thomas Cook Group Airlines are the trans-Atlantic carrier

 All tickets under this agreement, Ticket Designator = “DE” or “MT” flight numbers

 Code share flights with MT are permitted provided DE flight number is in the carrier box

 Class combination: O/W (one-way) commission per segment if itinerary is NOT booked in same RBD

 Commission is NOT valid in conjunction with any other commission or discounts.

 No upfront commission allowed on any private (unpublished) fares

 RBD structure is subject to changes

General Notes:

Debit Memos: Agency must utilize the ARC Memo Management System for all Agency Debit Memos (ADMs). Condor shall levy a fee of $35.00 for each debit memo. All debit memos (ADMs) MUST be settled within ninety (90) days of the date of receipt of the debit memo. Agency will pay a service charge of $100.00 for each failure to pay any valid ADM within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. If agency does not intend to settle within the time frame, details of disagreement MUST be furnished in writing of the debit memo within sixty (60) days of receipt of debit memo ADM.

 On a monthly basis, all passive bookings incurred in excess of the ratio provided (1 in 150 active segements in a calendar month) will be charged to the agency at a cost of $5.00 per segment.

 Travel agency may use on a limited, non-transferable, nonexclusive license to use the trademarks, service marks, logos and trade names of Condor/Thomas Cook “Marks” solely for the purpose of promoting Condor.Agency shall use the “Marks” exactly in the form provided and in conformance with an Condor/Thomas Cook trademark and logo usage guidelines that Condor may provide to agency in writing from time to time.

 Agency shall NOT use any of the “Marks”, particularly Thomas Cook and Condor, within source code, title/metatags or keywords for serarch engine activity. Any use of Thomas Cook and Condor or any other “Marks” without prior written approval is prohibited and will result in immediate termination of this commission agreement.

Updated: January 3, 2018 ©/20

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