GOGO Rewards and Bonus Commission

Happy Turkey Week!

GOGO is STILL offering EVEN MORE MONEY for your bookings for our 10 Days of Thanksgifting!!

As you can see below and attached for the next 2 DAYS ONLY you can earn even more with GOGO with each PAID IN FULL booking!!! Each new booking from today until the 22nd will earn an extra 25 dollar Gift Card!! You add that with our Bonus Commission on select properties (attached) you will really be growing your holiday earnings!! Do you have a new group? Or one that may be in limbo? CLOSE that deal in the next 2 days and EARN an EXTRA $500 gift card! This is an amazing deal and I will continue to update you throughout the life of the special.

Continue to support GOGO and we will continue to allow our agents to EARN a lot of extra money when booking with our teams! IF you need anything please let me know and I hope you take advantage of these wonderful opportunities!

Thank you so much for your support!

Shane Howey

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