LOT Polish Airlines

LOT Polish Airlines – Upfront Time of Ticketing Commission Agreement (Confidential)

Ticketing Period: April 5, 2017 – Until Further Notice


Commission = see table below


 Origin Destination Upfront Levels:



Upfront Levels:


Upfront Levels:


North America Origins All Points 3% 12% 0%
Origins outside of North America North America 0% 0% 0%
Anything outside of North America Anything outside of North America 0% 0% 0%


Eligibility: New locations joining will be eligible for this commission offer the month after they join.

Tiketing Instructions:

 All tickets must be sold and issued in the United States or Canada according to the applicable published fares and validated on LOT’s traffic document (080)

 Travel shall commence in North America, unless otherwise specified and may include North American domestic sectors when connecting to LOT coded and operated trans-Atlantic sectors when issued on one ticket

 All trans-Atlantic sectors (one-way or round-trip) must be on LOT coded and operated flights only

 Flights beyond Warsaw must be on LOT marketing (code share) or LOT operated and coded flights.

 The booking class of the trans-Atlantic sector(s) will determine the applicable upfront commission as specified in the above grid.

 Mandatory Endorsement Box: NON ENDORSEABLE/LO ONLY

 Applicable commission will be recalled for refunded sectors


This is a confidential document. It may not be shown to anyone.

Updated: January 2, 2018 ©2018, Travel Leaders Network, LLC

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