Preferred Suppliers
Agents will receive a monthly incentive based on directionally selling tours and cruises on selected preferred vendors. Typically the incentive will be 7% of the commission amount for each sale booked on a qualifying vendor, providing the agent sells at least 60% of their tour and cruise bookings on preferred suppliers AND the agent’s Sales Commission Achievement Incentive is at least 2 times their salary. Payments will be made within 45 days after the commission has been received by the agency.
2018 Qualifying Cruise Lines
The agent incentive rate will be paid on cruise only sales and does not apply to the air portion of the cruise. Click on the following links for Commission & Reference Guides.
2018 Qualifying Tour Operators
Agent incentive will be paid on all destinations with these suppliers except on-site Disney (excluding WDTC) and Las Vegas. Also not included is air only with TNT. Click on the following links for Commission & Reference Guides.
2018 Airline Partners
Click on the following links for Commission & Reference Guides.
2018 Car Partners
Click on the following links for Commission & Reference Guides.
All Other Suppliers & Miscellaneous
Click on the following links for Commission & Reference Guides.